
So you've probably heard of WikiLeaks, And if you've heard of Wikileaks, You've heard of Anonymous.
Anonymous are supposedly a hacking group from 4chan, They took down websites such as Paypal & Amazon, And i remember reading in a magazine that they used some sort of Weather Server Testers to take down those sites.
The Westboro Baptist Church have called Anonymous "a puddle of pimple-faced nerds".
In 2009 Anonymous posted multiple porn videos on Youtube disguised as childrens videos with titles such as "Jonas Brothers", One victim of these videos posted "I'm 12 years old and what is this?", Which later became an internet meme.

So what are your opinion's on Anonymous?


Hmm seems like an organisation

Last edited by Tits on Mon 14 Mar 2011, 9:37 am; edited 1 time in total


Tits wrote:Hmm seems like an organisation
Im guessing they have members all over the world, Even in Ireland, Ireland's main political party's website was taken down a few months ago.

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