
it's pretty annoying how so many people don't care for the browser, internet explorer. Sure, it may be very out dated and is horribly built but, it's still a browser that acts like a browser and SHOULD be treated the same as all the other browsers are.
I haven't left out one browser yet for incompatibility, devforums is pretty much browser friendly.
I've tested most functions on here with different browsers, including most internet explorer versions, so I'm good when it comes to compatibility.

The main problem that pisses me off
This [insert place here] is best viewed in [insert what ever browser, other than internet explorer]
why AGAIN leave a browser out? Why even think that the page is best suited to a certain browser? JUST WHY!?1 Why even waste your time sticking an ugly notice specifying just that? It's kind of pointless.


im pretty sure you always used to say how horrible IE is.
And honestly, it is.
It's a starter program you get for your pc.
you know how those are.
And people don't like it because of how fucking slow and cluttered it is, layout is cheap, you can't have adblock, etc. etc.

only old people use IE


i do think its kinda pointless though everyone knows no one supports it anyways so no need to brag bout it


Can you edit posts? I don't know why if you still can't edit posts.

Here's a screen shot circling where the 'edit' button is:

Silly "doesn't work in IE" or, "not supported with IE" Untitl10


Ryan wrote:Can you edit posts? I don't know why if you still can't edit posts.

Here's a screen shot circling where the 'edit' button is:

Silly "doesn't work in IE" or, "not supported with IE" Untitl10
uh ye i can ive been able to?
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