
OK, I've just seen so many people spell things that aren't the correct spelling. I've seen it on Gaia (mostly), forums, youtube, facebook, and even most sites that enforce proper spelling! For some reason they think it's good how they spell in their own little way, in fact, it's just degrading you! Lets get to the most problematic words!

Lose seems to be spelt loose by most people...Loose means it's coming loose, as in something isn't sturdy! E.g. 'my bike's chain is coming loose' 'I'm going to LOSE the race.'

Aloud, this is reallllllllllllly badly used, probably even abused...Aloud does even mean anything, surely you know what it means though? Ever heard of "girls aloud?" well, it means they're very loud and obnoxious! Next time if you want to be clever spell it as ALLOWED! e.g. 'you're not allowed in here.'

Their, there, they're, these seem to be just common mistakes for some people it's just god damn silly you should phrase what you're going to type first e.g. 'they're going to the shop with my brother', 'could you please get me my ball back from over there?' 'their food was nice' it's pretty simple when you get the gist of it.

you are, you're, your, yet again these are very common mistakes for some reason again you should phrase them before typing. E.g. 'you are in my way', 'you're in my way', 'your home is nice', as you can see you are and you're are BOTH the same, it's just that you're is shorter. Your is as in you own it, 'it's your house, your self, your body' etc...