
since they updated Gaia Homes I can't go into it on my mod/client

And by the way, my new username is MLkayla

just to let you know :I

I keep making new accounts... bad habit. lol

and I MIGHT get cash cards -.-

Ik they're just a bunch of rip-off money wasters... but god... I can't control the urge ;w;


the reason why it doesn't work for "towns homes" is because "towns homes" is a separate from the actual towns, & always has been like that since they first made "towns homes", due to the close "towns 2.0" release they may do some tweaks & big fixes first. Basically testing shit and what not....

So, you want to waste YOUR or YOUR mums money? On some silly little card which verifies you have "2500 Gaia cash" or w/e? Whoa bro.

I haven't been skulking around inactive accounts for a bit so, tell ya what, if I find something nice it's yours.