
Taking a 'screen shot' on Windows
I. What is a Screen Shot?

A screen shot is, in short, a picture of your screen. It can be used as a presentation or act as a guideline for a path route to take. Screen shots can also be used to authenticate something such as an image or post.

II. How do I do a Screen Shot?

First of all, you need some sort of image software ( MS paint should prove more than sufficient as it's pre-loaded )
The next step is to find the right key to press on your keyboard. Indeed, there's a button which when you press it will instantly copy your screen (as an image) into your clipboard. The letters are Prt Scr - or on some keyboards Prt Sc (is basically copy CTRL+ C but it's just PrtSc). In any case it should be located here:
How to take a 'screen shot' Prints10

Now, on your image software (MS Paint) 'untitled Paint' you paste what is on your clipboard (CTRL + V) and the screen shot what you took with 'PrtSc' should be pasted into paint!
Once this is done, you'll need to save it, save it as what ever you desire e.g. asdf and have it hosted somewhere (ex: tinypic.com or Imageshack) choose the "file" which is the screen shot you made in paint my example would be; '2v2a8g1' once fount it should appear as "2v2a8g1.jpg" like this;
How to take a 'screen shot' If6ddf
once you have chose it. After click upload now, fill in the Re-Captcha code & click upload now (again) it should redirect you to your image!

III. One last little thing

Say you were to do a Forum Overview for instance. You'll quickly notice that one screen isn't enough to see the whole forum...
What I advise doing, rather than making many different screens, is to merge them all into a big one. You can always simply retouch the image to keep only the necessary (the forum) and wipe out the rest (elements of your screen), and add the next part underneath
If you are using Firefox you can also use this add-on to capture the whole page of any site you are viewing.

IIII. For Users of Windows Vista
Open "Snipping Tool" Screenshotting
Another way to take a screenshot is to Navigate in your Start menu, and find the accessory named "Snipping Tool" :

Navigate to your Start menu >

All Programs tab >

Accessories >

Click on Snipping Tool.

Using "Snipping Tool"
Once you have your Snipping Tool activated, your screen sppear a fadish white.

To screenshot a selected section on your computer screen, just simply drag your cursor over the selected area you want screenshotted. Once you let go of your cursor, there is then a pop up preview of the selected are you dragged your cursor over. To save your select screenshot image, Navigate :

File >> Save As >> *Name the selected image*

Taking a screenshot on a Mac

Creating a screenshot on a Mac is in fact very very easy. You simply need to press Command (the one with the cloverleaf-like symbol on it, next to the space bar on either side), Shift, and 3 all at the same time. Your computer will then automaticly generate a screencap and save it to your desktop. It will be called Picture 1.png (or 2 or 3 or whatever). Just go to your desktop and there it will be. Like so:
How to take a 'screen shot' Screencap