
So this is something I discovered recently, when Gaia ban an account, you can still access it's Meebo feature through http://www.meebo.com/ . Allowing you to talk to friends of that account, and setting your status to tell everyone you were banned & to add a new account.
So lets begin...
Head over to Meebo's website and create an account, or log in if you already have an account...

Accessing banned account's meebo Meebo1

Then select Gaia to add your Gaia account...

Accessing banned account's meebo Meebo2

And then log in with your Gaia account, I've chosen a banned account...

Accessing banned account's meebo Meebo3

And that's it, you're in.

Accessing banned account's meebo Meebo4

And just for the lulz of it, you can change the colour/fonts/size. of your text!

Accessing banned account's meebo Meebo5

Last edited by Jamie on Mon 05 Sep 2011, 10:10 am; edited 1 time in total