after coming back to my original income, I realized that if you have a nice ammount of gold, making more is much easier. No, not vending. vending is for bored people. I am bored. What? Shut up.

The idea is, make enough money to buy an entire aquarium and put it up in the aquarium forums. that shit earns you plenty, and people like you. it takes a while to pay off the cost of all those gosh darned fishies, but I've checked peoples stats and they earn way more than they pay for.

If anyone would like to join me in an aquarium bizz, talk to me. Right now I has 0 fish but I intend to get some. The plan is to get this:
17 memphis (70k ea, 1,190k) on TWO tanks (2,380k)
then, once we have earned 6,460k (NOT in profits, in actual earnings. in profits its about 4,080k), and buy 2 tanks of 17 watermeats, once the memphi expire(Warning, this might take 40 weeks. If we want to we can always put them aside and let them rot whilst the watermeats hoard all the booty grabs), we put in the watermeats.
Once we have 10,540k (again, not in profit, in actual golds), we buy 17 dolphins, just for 1 tank, and 17 MORE watermeats, for the other, unless, again, we get sick of the watermeats p.quickly and decide we want to buy just dolphins. Thisll be good IN CASE there're more than 7 weeks left for the watermeats. In which case we need 7,310k if there're more than 7 weeks left, but 10,540k if there are less. Then we refill the two tanks, and make a lot of gold. wooooot.

This means we need a goood starting investment.


Sorry, but your information hurts my brain. D:



basically, we get 2.5mil, from whatever way we can, vending, aquarium, zomg, donations, whatever. We make aquarium topics with 2 mermaid tanks. Then, we get 6.5mil out of the mermaid tanks, not profit, but literal gain. Then we wait for the mermaids to die, or, if they have a long life left, we just put them away and buy 2 watermeat tanks. then once we gain 10.55mil (again, gain, not profit), we buy another round of watermeat, but additionally, a round of dolphins. then, we use the remaining money as profit and go halfies.

EDIT: Alternatively for quicker money and earlier, but less profit, we can get 5mil at the end instead of 10.55mil

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