
To get this quick 1 million gold, NOTE: it will be traded SAFELY to your account with no "illegal" measure, btw.
it will be rewarded to the one who gives a description, here of why they deserve it. So shoot ahead!

Last edited by Ryan on Mon 01 Aug 2011, 5:45 am; edited 2 times in total


I think I deserve it because I feel I should pay back the people who donated me or donate randomly to noobs unless they're just trolls pretending to be noobs. I also wish to add to my dream avatar. I know gold isn't real money, but having gold, makes me happy for some reason, maybe because I'm poor in reality, maybe because it makes me feel like people won't judge me, maybe because it makes me feel like I can just go around to people saying, "o ye i has 1 mill. ", even though they may have like 40 million. idk. I've never won anything, and the feeling of being rewarded makes me feel special and important. :c


You've faulted your self for not winning this here's a few reasons why, you have said a non existent word "noob" it is "Urban" or "internet" slang, it's a silly saying of all words, it's the most pathetic saying I've seen.
" "o ye i has 1 mill. ", even though they may have like 40 million. idk."
I don't know wtf that is, lol.
But I'm assuming to you one million isn't going to be meaning anything to you, so why try?
The contests will go up as I do this shit, I'm being generous as fuck.


Ryan wrote:You've faulted your self for not winning this here's a few reasons why, you have said a non existent word "noob" it is "Urban" or "internet" slang, it's a silly saying of all words, it's the most pathetic saying I've seen.
" "o ye i has 1 mill. ", even though they may have like 40 million. idk."
I don't know wtf that is, lol.
But I'm assuming to you one million isn't going to be meaning anything to you, so why try?
The contests will go up as I do this shit, I'm being generous as fuck.
I see


Javascript Error wrote:
Ryan wrote:You've faulted your self for not winning this here's a few reasons why, you have said a non existent word "noob" it is "Urban" or "internet" slang, it's a silly saying of all words, it's the most pathetic saying I've seen.
" "o ye i has 1 mill. ", even though they may have like 40 million. idk."
I don't know wtf that is, lol.
But I'm assuming to you one million isn't going to be meaning anything to you, so why try?
The contests will go up as I do this shit, I'm being generous as fuck.
I see


Ryan wrote:
Javascript Error wrote:
Ryan wrote:You've faulted your self for not winning this here's a few reasons why, you have said a non existent word "noob" it is "Urban" or "internet" slang, it's a silly saying of all words, it's the most pathetic saying I've seen.
" "o ye i has 1 mill. ", even though they may have like 40 million. idk."
I don't know wtf that is, lol.
But I'm assuming to you one million isn't going to be meaning anything to you, so why try?
The contests will go up as I do this shit, I'm being generous as fuck.
I see
what? ;o


I think I deserve it not only because I'm one of the only people entering this, (lol) but also because I actually earned most of my cash without begging.

Most of it, anyways. XD

Oh, and because I've got great personality trollolol


;Update: contest ends tomorrow - 31 of July 2011, @ 6PM International!
<iframe src="http://www.7is7.com/otto/countdown.html?year=2011&month=7&date=31&hrs=18&ts=12&tz=0&min=0&sec=0&lang=en&show=dhms&mode=t&cdir=down&bgcolor=%23CCFFFF&fgcolor=%23000000&title=Countdown%20until%201%20Million%20Gaia%20Gold%20giveaway%20contest%20ends..." width="250" height="365" scrolling="no" frameborder="1" style="overflow:hidden;width:15.6em;height:22.8em;"><a href="http://www.7is7.com/otto/countdown.html?year=2011&month=7&date=31&hrs=18&ts=12&tz=0&min=0&sec=0&lang=en&show=dhms&mode=t&cdir=down&bgcolor=%23CCFFFF&fgcolor=%23000000&title=Countdown%20until%201%20Million%20Gaia%20Gold%20giveaway%20contest%20ends...">Countdown until 1 Million Gaia Gold giveaway contest ends...</a></iframe>


I think I deserve it because I don't post them gay ass dramatic I got hacked stories I just come out and say I want it because I want stuff, and you need gold to have them, I want the 1 million gold so It can help me get the item I want (OMG hat).

Pwnd ;D


The winner is; TiT your gold will be traded to what ever account you want it trading to.


Ryan wrote:The winner is; TiT your gold will be traded to what ever account you want it trading to.

the one and only legendary trisha vouldevar.



TiT wrote:
Ryan wrote:The winner is; TiT your gold will be traded to what ever account you want it trading to.

the one and only legendary trisha vouldevar.

Trade sent, accept & the contest will end!

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