

In this forum you will be able to express yourself, and to give your ideas to make devforumz better. There is some advice to post good suggestions.

Proposition of a suggestion

- Your proposition must be detailed, avoid "what do you think ?", explain why your suggestion is interesting for us and the question must be clearly asked. This section is only for the suggestions for your forum, the suggestions for Devforumz are Here. Don't forget the explicit title

- please do a research before posting to see if a topic with the same suggestion has already been posted

- Add a poll to allow the other members to express their opinion - How to add a Poll in my Topic(s)

- the multiple choice option must not be activated in the poll, just add two options : "yes" or "no"

How are suggestions accepted?

Tits and and sometimes the Usergroups will frequently read this section's topics to see what suggestion interests you. They do regularly a sort of the suggestions to decide the suggestions they will add, the suggestions they can add and the suggestions they refuse. After that sort, these suggestions will be locked, remain a topic or moved to the Spam!

Behaviour to avoid

Like the others sections of this forum, you must respect the general rules. Everyone should have the right to express him/herself in good conditions and in a good atmosphere. So avoid double posting (use the edit button), If you wish to post to justify your poll & vote, please argue, "I agree" or "I disagree" "Yes" "no" and title your poll "Do you want this?" "Do you like this?" or anything relevant. Please respect the different opinions, don't be aggressive. Finally, please be lenient towards other members' spelling, nobody's perfect. "Up" a topic is forbidden, if someone agree with this suggestion he will post

If these rules are not respected, your topic might be locked.